Ticket overview
A ticket is any new inquiry from a customer. Tickets can be of different types: return, review, or a regular ticket, which is simply a message from a buyer.
To view a ticket, click on a selected entry from the list of tickets in the main inbox.
The ticket view contains a wealth of valuable information. Primarily, it displays the conversation window where you can see the message exchange with the customer, as well as details about all actions taken on the ticket, such as sending an autoresponder or a tag added by another employee. You can translate any message in the ticket using the translator icon or forward it by clicking the three dots next to the selected message.
Above the conversation window, you'll find navigation buttons. The Back button allows you to return to the inbox, while the left and right arrows let you move to the previous or next ticket without going back to the inbox.
Quick Actions allow you to perform the most common operations, such as closing the current ticket or creating a new ticket without leaving the inbox.
The three dots in the top menu provide access to task-related actions—you can access the project list or create a task related to the current ticket.
The printer icon allows you to print the ticket.
On the right side of the conversation window, you’ll find all other ticket-related information. If the ticket is linked to orders from BaseLinker or WooCommerce, you’ll see order details by expanding the corresponding list (if you have the required integrations).
Below this, you’ll find user information, such as the email and Allegro account name.
Additional Info includes details like the ticket ID and its current status.
If the customer has interacted with you before, this section will also show information about previous tickets or reviews.
Further down, you’ll find related tags, tasks, assigned agents, teams, and followers of the ticket.
For more details on return tickets, click here, and for review tickets, click here.
Sending Messages
To respond to a received message, click "Reply" in the ticket view, and after writing your message, click "Send."
If you want to create a new ticket from the current one (not as a reply to the received message), click "Quick Actions" in the top menu and select "New Ticket."
With IMAP integration, you can attach various types of files (e.g., mobi, epub, mp4) up to 20 MB in size. If you don’t attach a file but the system detects the word "attachment" or "attachments" in the message, a notification will appear reminding you of the missing attachment.
Last updated
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