
Privileges in Responso allow you to create different roles within your organization. These roles can be tailored to the responsibilities of individual team members who have accounts under a single organization in Responso. Proper privilage management helps in organizing tasks and can prevent accidental errors.

Modifying Privileges

To modify or configure a new role with appropriate permissions:

  1. Log in to Responso.

  2. Go to Settings and select Privileges from the menu on the left.

By default, two roles are created: Admin and Agent. To see the exact permissions assigned to these roles, click Edit next to the role. You'll see a permissions tree, which lists all actions that can be performed in Responso, grouped by category. A green checkmark indicates the role has that permission, while an empty checkbox means it does not. If only some permissions in a category are assigned, the checkbox will show a partially filled green mark.

  • Note: Checking a higher-level permission box will automatically assign all the lower-level permissions in that category.

After making changes, click Update to save the modified permissions for that role.

What Happens If You Revoke Privileges?

When permissions are revoked, users with that role lose access to certain actions. They may no longer see certain elements of the system associated with the removed permissions. For example, an employee without inbox group permissions won't see that section in the menu.

Changes made to a role affect all users assigned to that role.

Adding a New Role

To create a new role:

  1. Go to SettingsPrivileges and click Add privilege.

  2. Enter a name for the role and choose the privileges from the privileges tree.

  3. Click Create to save the new role.

Example of PrivilegesUse

Suppose you want an employee to have access only to a specific Allegro account. You would:

  1. Create a new role.

  2. Go to PrivilegesIntegrationsAllegroAccounts and select the specific account.

  3. Ensure the necessary checkboxes (like List, Delete, and Authorize) are checked for full access to the account.

List of Available Privileges

Afilliate Program

  • Display all – access to the Afilliate Program tab in Responso.


  • Edit – ability to update agent details.

  • Invite Agent – ability to invite a new agent to the organization.

  • Delete – ability to delete a selected agent.

  • Display all – access to the Agents tab and the list of all agents.

  • Assign Privilege – allows assigning, changing, or revoking permissions.

  • Assign Signature – allows assigning, changing, or revoking the agent's signature.


  • Generate API Key – ability to generate an API key for the API panel.

  • Display all – access to the API tab.

  • Show Integration API Key – ability to view the API key for integrations.


  • Delete – ability to delete a domain.

  • Add – ability to add a domain.

  • Verify Domain – ability to verify the domain (action under the Domains section).


  • Display all – access to the Filters tab and the list of created filters.

  • Add – ability to create a new filter.

  • Edit – ability to update an existing filter.

  • Delete – ability to delete a filter.


  • Add – ability to create a new inbox.

  • Edit – ability to edit an existing inbox.

  • Delete – ability to delete a selected inbox.

  • Access to all inboxes – ability to read messages from all inboxes, filter by them, and access new inboxes as soon as they are created.

  • Access to inbox "Default"– access to a specific, private inbox.

Inbox Groups

  • Add – ability to create a new group of inboxes.

  • Edit – ability to edit an existing group of inboxes.

  • Delete – ability to delete a selected group of inboxes.

  • Display all – access to the Inbox Groups tab and the list of all groups.

  • Access to all inbox groups – ability to read messages from all inbox groups, filter by them, and access new groups immediately after their creation.


  • Access to all integrations – ability to read messages from all integrations, filter by them, and access tickets from deleted integrations.

  • Access to tickets from removed integrations

  • List available integrations – access to the list of integrations.

  • [Integration Name] – access to a specific integration (based on name).

    • Delete – ability to delete a specific integration.

    • Authorize – ability to authorize a specific integration.

    • Configure – ability to configure a specific integration.

    • Add – ability to add a new integration.

    • Edit – ability to edit an existing integration.

    • Display all – access to the Integration tab and the list of created integrations

    • Accounts – access to particular account within the integration

Organization Settings

  • Manage – access to the Organization Settings tab and the ability to edit settings.

  • Edit AI settings


  • Display all

  • Show security logs


  • Display all – access to the privileges tab and the list of created roles.

  • Add – ability to create a new role with assigned privileges.

  • Edit – ability to update privileges for an existing role.

  • Delete – ability to delete a role with all its privileges.

Message Replies

  • Reply – ability to create a response to a ticket.

  • Send External Email – allows sending an external email in response to a ticket.

  • Add Note – allows adding an internal note to a ticket.

Reply Addresses

  • Add – ability to create a new reply address.

  • Edit – ability to update an existing reply address.

  • Delete – ability to delete an existing reply address.


  • Display all – access to the Reports tab.

  • View reports of agents – access to reports generated for individual agents.

  • View reports of products' tickets – access to reports detailing the number of tickets related to specific products.

  • View reports of products' customer returns – access to reports detailing the number of returns related to specific products.

  • View reports of tickets – access to reports based on time periods.

Review Workflows

  • Add – allows creating a new workflow for feedback.

  • Edit – allows updating an existing workflow for feedback.

  • Delete – allows deleting a workflow for feedback.


  • Display all – access to the list of reviews.


  • Display all – access to the Signatures tab.

  • Add – ability to create a new signature.

  • Edit – ability to update an existing signature

  • Delete – ability to delete a signature.

Subscription Settings

  • Manage Subscription Settings – access to the Subscription Settings tab.

  • View Subscription Invoices – access to the Subscription Invoices tab.

  • Download Invoice – allows downloading the invoice document.

  • Invoice data – allows adding billing details for the invoice.

  • Change Plan – ability to select a subscription plan.

  • Update Stripe Billing Data – ability to update transaction details via the "Manage Billing Information" link in the Invoices section.

  • Retry Payment – allows renewing the payment.

  • Active Promotions – view active promotions on the Responso account.

  • Update Address – allows updating billing information.

Spam list

  • Add

  • Edit

  • Delete

  • Display all


  • Display all – access to the Tags tab.

  • Edit – ability to update existing tags.

  • Add – ability to add a new tag.

  • Delete – ability to delete a tag.


  • Display all – access to the Teams tab.

  • Edit – ability to update existing teams.

  • Add – ability to add a new team.

  • Delete – ability to delete a team.


  • Edit – ability to edit tags, assigned agent, and watchers for a ticket.

  • Bulk Actions – ability to perform actions on multiple tickets simultaneously (e.g., assign status).

  • Add – ability to create a new ticket.

  • Show – ability to access the single ticket view from the list.

  • Assign Agent – ability to assign an agent to a ticket.

  • Print Ticket – ability to print a ticket.

  • Change Status – ability to change the status of a ticket.

  • Change Priority – ability to change the priority of a ticket.

  • Change Tag – ability to add a tag to a ticket.


  • Display all – access to the Statuses tab.

  • Add – ability to add a new status.

  • Edit – ability to update existing statuses.

  • Delete – ability to delete a status.

Ticket Templates

  • Display all – access to the Templates tab.

  • Add – ability to add a new template.

  • Edit – ability to update existing templates.

  • Delete – ability to delete a template.


  • Translate Ticket Message – ability to translate an incoming message.

  • Translate Draft – ability to translate the text of a response while editing.


  • Display all – access to the Workflows tab.

  • Add – ability to create a new workflow.

  • Edit – ability to update existing workflows.

  • Delete – ability to delete an workflow.

Last updated