Integration with Erli
To integrate Responso with Erli, you need to link your account to our system. Go to the Settings > Integrations > Erli or click here. Then, follow the steps below.
Add your account.
Enter the name of your Erli store and click Create.
A new ID for your Inbox will be displayed. Copy the generated address and add it to the email forwarding associated with your Erli account.
You can find all the details regarding email forwarding here.
If everything goes well, your Erli account will now be configured. The integration allows you to retrieve messages from multiple Erli accounts in Responso.
How quickly are messages retrieved for the first time?
This depends on the chosen method of email redirecting.
Messages are retrieved on average every 5-10 minutes for email integration using IMAP/SMTP.
Instantly for email forwarding.
How many messages will be retrieved?
This depends on the chosen method of email forwarding.
For email forwarding, messages from before the integration will not be retrieved and will not appear in the Responso Inbox. The integration will only apply to new messages.
For IMAP/SMTP, all messages in the integrated mailbox will be retrieved.
Where can I see Erli data in Responso?
Erli data in Responso appears in the main window on the list of all messages, marked with the Erli logo.
When open a specific message, you will have access to information such as the email or account to which the message was sent, the last three messages from the buyer, etc.
Last updated