
Autoresponder configuration

Autoresponder is one of the key functions of the Responso system, and also one of the most important when you sell on Allegro, Amazon, or eBay. The autoresponder function is used for automatic response to inquiries coming from various sources as well as to new Allegro Discussions and messages from the Allegro News Center.

  • The autoresponder is not dependent on the number of accounts.

  • The autoresponder is at your disposal already in the basic Responso package.

Allegro and other sales portals place great emphasis on the seller responding within 24 hours. Moreover, it is increasingly emphasized to send as few messages as possible and with the best content to one client. Our autoresponder has been designed to solve all these difficulties.

To go to the configuration of the first autoresponder, after logging in, you have to click: Settings> Automated workflows.

Setting up different actions to be self-executed is called a workflow. The automatic actions feature has other uses than the autoresponder, so to create your first autoresponder, click Add Workflow. At this point, we will only focus on automatic replies.

Diagram of creating an autoresponder

You have to start by naming the first autoresponder. To give a name, enter it in the Name field. The name will allow you to define the purpose for which you are creating this automation, and in the future, it will help you manage multiple autoresponders. Your first autoresponder may concern, for example, replies to messages received from Allegro Discussion and the Allegro News Center.

In the Description field, providing information about the autoresponder will allow you or other agents to recall or understand the operation. They can also help you distinguish your autoresponder from other types of automatic actions. The Name and Description fields cannot be empty. Their content will not be sent to customers.

Click + Add Action.

This box allows you to prepare content that will be sent automatically.

The drop-down list shows Send Message by default – don’t change it. Below is the Message field – enter your message here.

  • Remember that you are creating content intended to make it clear that a human will reply to your message within 24 hours.

  • Note that you can additionally format your message, i.e. change the appearance of the text, insert additional elements or attach a link.

Click + Add condition.

In this box, you will set the conditions. The terms and conditions determine under what circumstances an automated message will be sent.

The Source is displayed by default in the first drop-down list. Click on this option to change it. Set a condition called Action here.

Then click on the field directly below the action – two values will appear:

  • The first message from the client and Every new message from the client.

  • Click on the second value – this will be selected as active.

You’ve just created the first of two important conditions. The autoresponder was instructed to reply to each new message from the client. If only the first value (First message from the client) was selected, the autoresponder would react only to the first message from a given sender.

Click again + Add condition under an already created condition.

The default Source value appears in the first drop-down list – leave it there. This means that you will specify the source from which you want incoming messages to come.

The second drop-down list is called Condition and its default value is – also leave it as it is. You indicate that the source should contain specific values (you can set up an autoresponder, which will work when the source is any other than the excluded values – then you choose the value that is not).

You have to click on the field named Source and select Allegro Discussions and Allegro News Center from it. This way, the autoresponder will only react when a message comes from these two channels.

  • Each of your autoresponders is β€œimmune” to external autoresponders. It recognizes automatic messages sent by clients and ignores them. This avoids the autoresponder β€˜conversation’ that could send and receive thousands of messages from the client over the weekend.

Click the Add button (it’s below the Description field).

Done πŸ’ͺ.

ATTENTION! In the case of setting up automatic replies in Amazon, you need to add a delay option because the automatic reply sent immediately will not be counted on the Amazon site.

Please add the condition below:

You’ve just created your first fully functional autoresponder. After reloading the page, you are back in Settings and your newly added autoresponder has appeared on the list.

  • Autoresponder is turned on by default. If you want to turn it off without deleting it: click the icon … (next to the autoresponder name)> click Edit> move the blue slider to off (it will turn white).

  • You can also delete the entire autoresponder. To do this, click the … icon and then select the Delete option.

  • You can also use our ready-made solutions. These are fully functional autoresponders that you can turn on with two clicks, and you can also modify them as you like. To check our templates, on the Automatic Actions tab, click the Templates button. There you will find several ready-made diagrams:

  • autoresponder for Allegro – replies to each message received from Allegro (e.g. response to a discussion, questions to the offer, and questions to the order),

  • weekend autoresponder – sends a reply to every message (not only from Allegro) that you will read the message on Monday (the option is activated only on Saturday and Sunday),

  • autoresponder outside working hours – works only outside the set hours (default: after 6.00 pm until 10.00 am), sending a message about your absence from work.

To run any of them: click on its name> click the Add button below.

Automatic actions allow you to create very simple and very complex autoresponders.

You can create workflows of any complexity level because each of them can have several conditions and several actions. Far-reaching automation is possible: e.g. setting different responses depending on the Allegro account, integration, and day of the week.

Automatic actions are a very useful tool, and at the same time very easy to configure. Therefore, we encourage you to test the various settings yourself. Remember that you can always delete them without compromising all other settings.

Help needed?

Need help setting up your automatic actions? Text us at

Last updated