Adding the agents

How to Invite Employees to Use Responso

To invite someone to use Responso within your organization, go to the Agents tab and then select Invite Agents.

In the window that appears, enter the email address of the person you want to invite and choose the role that should be assigned to this agent's account in Responso from the list. You can also choose the team this agent should be assigned to. If you want to invite multiple users at once, click Invite another user, enter the next email address, select a role and a team. Then, click Send Invites.

The role assigned during the invitation process can be changed later in the system.

The invited individuals will receive an email with an invitation to Responso and will be asked to configure their account and set a password.

After inviting a user, their email address will appear in the agents list with the status Invited. The status will change to Active once the account is successfully created.

In addition to the status, the agents list also provides information about the roles assigned to each profile and whether the agent uses two-factor verification when logging in. From this screen, you can also delete a profile. Remember, this action is irreversible.

Last updated