What is an Inbox?

Inbox is nothing but your mailbox which will contain all messages redirected from many sources. Inbox is divided into the following sections:

All tickets:

  • Preview all news from any source weโ€™ve added.

  • Tickets will show messages with all statuses.

Service tickets:

  • All messages are not assigned to any agent.

  • Messages can contain a tag or be assigned a priority.

My open tickets:

  • My messages are in open status.

  • Each subsequent message from the client will be assigned to me by default.

Awaiting reply:

  • All messages are in open status.

  • Messages can be tagged and have an agent assigned to handle the ticket.

In Inbox, you can make mass changes to tickets. You can change their status or pin them to a dedicated agent:

You can also give it the appropriate priority or change its status without going directly to a single ticket:

Before entering the ticket directly, you can view the first and last message by hovering the cursor over it:

Before starting work at Responso, you have to remember to add redirects from your email inboxes to your Inbox.

Last updated